TypeScript, Next.js, React, Sass, Netlify

My personal website, that you are browsing right now, I guess.

⭕ Persado
ReactTypeScriptRubyRuby on RailsPostgreSQL
React, TypeScript, Ruby, Rails, PostgreSQL

Generative AI Platform for motivating every individual to engage and act.

🟣 caro
AngularTypeScriptAWS LambdaMongoDBIonic
Angular, TypeScript, Serverless Computing, MongoDB, Ionic

A platform that enables patient-centered care, reduces healthcare costs, and improves patient experience and outcomes.

🔵 Cyclopt
ReactExpressNode.jsMongoDBGraphQLRabbitMQAWS Lambda
React, Express, Node.js, MongoDB, GraphQL, RabbitMQ, Serverless Computing

Cutting-edge SaaS enabling software companies to develop and sustain high-quality software products more efficiently in a timely and streamlined manner.

🧠 Brain Run
JavaScript, React Native, Android, iOS, Node.js, Express, MongoDB

A brain training game built exclusively with React Native that not only is fun to play, but also gathers anonymous biometric data to train machine learning models for continuous implicit authentication research.

⛓️ @iamnapo/btc-network
JavaScriptNode.jsBitcoinDockerGNU Bash
JavaScript, Node.js, Bitcoin, Docker, Bash

Tiny module that creates a btc network using docker images.

🤙 cbm.js
JavaScript, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Docker, Pug

A platform that makes JS function discovery and usage easier.

🕳️ cenote
Apache KafkaApacheApache SparkCockroach LabsRedisPythonOpenJDKNode.jsExpressReactCreate React AppDocker
Apache {Kafka, Storm, Spark}, CockroachDB, Redis, Python, Java, Node.js, Express, React, Create React App, Docker

An open source (big) data management system for event processing and analytics with high scalability, zero data-loss, fault-tolerance and a near-real time Analytics-as-a-Service in mind.

💡 eeRIS
JavaScriptReactCreate React AppNode.jsExpressMongoDBPython
JavaScript, React, Create React App, React Native, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Python

An electric energy Residential Informational System, able to offer detailed information to the consumer, correlating their consumption to the use of specific household appliances, using Nonintrusive load monitoring.

🕹️ gh-apps
Node.js, GitHub, npm

Code to extract package.json from popular JavaScript and TypeScript repositories that are not on npm. Hence, "apps", but not packages.

⚛️ @iamnapo/cra-template
Create React AppJavaScriptNode.jsReactESLintMUIReact RouterCypressGoogle AnalyticsSentrySassPrettier
Create React App, JavaScript, Node.js, React, ESLint, MUI, React Router, Cypress, Google Analytics, Sentry, Sass, Prettier

Opinionated Create React App template with all the important stuff.

🧱 nodejs-server-template
Node.js, TypeScript, Fastify, AVA, GraphQL, ESLint, Sentry, Nodemon, .ENV

[Not-so-much] opinionated server template, with all the important stuff.

📦 gwi
JavaScript, Node.js, React, Git

An interactive CLI that creates a generic boilerplate for new JavaScript projects. It fetches user information automatically. Highly opinionated.

👩‍❤️‍👨 is-this-the-couple
TypeScript, Next.js, TensorFlow.js, React, MUI

Fun-site that uses face recognition and face landmark detection to not only understand if there are people in an image, but, if so, which specific people they are.

🏎️ buy-lambo
Python, Bitcoin

Scripts to create a BTC address whose assets are locked until a specified time (or block) and after that time, transfer all funds to another address.

📝 eslint-config-iamnapo
ESLint, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, React

ESLint shareable config for my preferred coding style. Highly opinionated.

📊 @iamnapo/sort
TypeScript, Node.js

Sorting comparators so you don't have to remember what to substract from what.

🔍 @iamnapo/get
JavaScript, Node.js

Get the value at a specific object (or string) path, without caring if it exists.

🏗️ @iamnapo/construct-url
TypeScript, Node.js

Small utility function to construct URLs, without caring about slashes or encoding.

🧮 @iamnapo/average
TypeScript, Node.js

Small utility function to calculate the average value of an array.

🙊 @iamnapo/enigma
TypeScript, Node.js

Create secure ciphers easily.

🗝️ @iamnapo/poor-mans-password-manager
TypeScript, Node.js

Simple CLI to turn memorable sentences into secure passwords.

📝 @iamnapo/prettier-config
Prettier, JavaScript, Node.js, React

Prettier shareable config for my preferred coding style. Highly opinionated.

🚧 just-the-cors
JavaScript, Node.js, Vercel’s micro

Tiny middleware to add cors support when using Vercel’s micro.

🔭 Project Euler
JavaScript, Node.js

Solving mathematical problems from the excellent project euler archives with vanilla JavaScript.

🍓 raspberry-pi-experiments
PythonRaspberry Pi
Python, Raspberry Pi

Tiny scripts for experimenting with Raspberry Pi’s GPIOs.

🖍️ @iamnapo/colors
JavaScriptNode.jsReactTailwind CSS
JavaScript, Node.js, React, Tailwind CSS

A versatile personal color pallette. Super heavily inspired by tailwindcss.

🍬 drpcjs
Node.js, Apache Storm

Apache Storm DRPC client for Node.js.

💃 cha-cha-chat
PHP, Lumen, Laravel, SQLite

Simple RESTful server that functions as a chat app. Created to get the hang of PHP.